Membership…has its privileges!
ONYX Pearls Southern Leather is pleased to welcome new members to our chapter. We are not currently accepting applications for Associate members, but be sure to subscribe to our mail list to get the earliest updates on our next application period.
What is an Associate member of OPSL?
Here are some things you might like to know about our Associate member program:
What is an Associate?
An Associate position offers you an official affiliation with Onyx Pearls Southern Leather, Onyx Pearls (as a national body), and the greater Onyx organization. As an Associate, you have the right to attend (nearly) all Onyx functions, among other privileges.
Is an Associate a full Onyx Pearl? How do I become a full member?
Not quite. While an Associate enjoys certain benefits, a full member enjoys all rights & responsibilities of being an Onyx Pearl. To become a full member, you must first be an Associate. There is a time frame and a process to complete before being offered pledgeship.
I am not a woman; I am not ‘of color’; I don’t live in your area; may I join?
Yes. We have no limitations of persons who may become an Associate member of OPSL (except that you must be 21 years of age or older).
Is there a cost involved?
Once accepted as an Associate member of our chapter, there is an application fee which will be applied towards annual dues.
My question isn’t addressed here.
Please use our contact form (click Connect in the menu) to send a message to our Pledge Mistress.
Hurry! The Associate application deadline is February 14, 2020!
Note: You will be taken to our form on the Google domain. You may optionally copy the following link to visit the form: https://forms.gle/Ay7bbH31NhSDHUr69